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The CAKE.org American Bakery Location Directory

Welcome to our Bakery Locator Search page! Here, you can easily find bakeries near you by entering the city name, bakery name, or even search based on proximity to your location. We understand that convenience is key when it comes to satisfying your cake cravings, so we’ve made it simple for you to discover the perfect bakery.

To begin your search, simply enter the city name or the name of the bakery you’re looking for in the respective search fields. If you prefer to find bakeries within a certain distance from your location, you can adjust the maximum distance setting to suit your preference. Choose from options such as 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, or 100 miles by clicking on the current number.

Our Bakery Locator will then display a list of bakeries on the map that match your search criteria, making it easier than ever to find a delectable cake or pastry shop near you. Whether you’re in search of a specific bakery you’ve heard about or you’re eager to explore new local favorites, our search functionality puts the power in your hands.

Indulge your taste buds and uncover hidden cake gems in your area with our Bakery Locator Search. Start your search now and let us guide you to delightful cake experiences that will leave you craving for more.

Since CAKE.org  is a young and growing project, we’re open to suggestions.  If you know of a bakery that should be included then please let us know!